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St Mary's C of E School

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Our vision:

The computing curriculum at St Mary's provides pupils with opportunities to build creativity whilst developing their skills in computational thinking. In an ever-changing digital world, it is important to equip pupils with the necessary skills for the future workplace as well as ensuring a sound understanding of safety online. Throughout the course of their primary computing education, each year, pupils will be taught from the three strands of the computing curriculum; computer science, information technology and digital literacy.

Alongside the computing curriculum, children will receive a high-quality eSafety curriculum which prepares them for using technology safely at school, at home and in the wider world. 

We aim to:

  • Ensure explicit teaching of online safety through the digital literacy strand, whilst embedding online safety awareness across the curriculum
  • Nurture curiosity in an ever-changing digital world  
  • Develop an understanding of subject specific computing vocabulary
  • Provide all children with practical experiences to apply, analyse and evaluate skills in computing across all three strands
  • Celebrate mistakes in order to enhance resilience and self-motivation leading to greater well-being in every child
  • Provide opportunities for cross-curricular use of ICT 

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We use the Teach Computing curriculum for computing at St Mary's. This short video briefly explores how the curriculum works. The curriculum is progressive and prepares children for the next steps in KS3.

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