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St Mary's C of E School

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Our Vision and Values

Our school vision is that ‘You are never too young to make a difference’.

This links directly to the bible quote:

‘Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young. Be an example to all believers, in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity.’  

 1 Timothy 4:12

We believe all children have great value and that even the smallest voice is important and worth hearing. 

Our aim as a school community is to provide a safe, nurturing environment where each child is enabled to flourish in all areas of their lives. 

We take our role as teachers, coaches and mentors seriously and reflect on how in the Bible, Paul, in writing to Timothy, encouraged this young leader to be a role model to others, to lead well and to speak the truth; we seek to emulate this in how we approach teaching for the whole child. Through active learning inspired by a creative and innovative curriculum, underpinned by our strong Christian values and ethos, we have high expectations for ourselves and the children; we aim to be our very best, treating others with tolerance and respect, and to be those who bring God’s hope to our school and our wider community. 

Behind our vision sits our vision poem. This unpicks how we are going to achieve our vision e.g. through our Christian values, by creating a safe and caring environment, by trying our best. It is written in child friendly language and helps the children to understand our aims.

St Mary's community believes the smallest voice is the most important.  So, our school vision and aims let us be heard:

I am small but soon I will be big

Give me a safe, caring environment in which to live

My thoughts and feelings are important to me

But how we treat others is our responsibility

I need to be me and learn my own way

Creative, active, exciting learning each day

With courage and compassion to be our guides

From trust and friendship we never hide

My teachers expect the best I can be

But in return the best of them I see

I am small but soon I will be big

With joy and God's hope

I can change the world where I live. 

‘Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young. Be an example to all believers, in what
you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity.’

1 Timothy 4:12

Our aim is that all our children pursue excellence and enjoy learning. We use the motto 'Active Children, Active Minds' to remind us that what we value must translate into action.

Our 6 Values are:

Friendship The story of The Paralysed Man…friends who go above and beyond to show they care. (Luke 5)

Trust The story of Mary…trusting God with the future and doing what’s been asked of you. (Luke 1)

Courage The story of Ruth …courage to go to a new place and start again. (Ruth 1-4)

Joy The story of Abraham and Sarah’s baby…joy after waiting, joy in the miracle of life. (Genesis 18, 20) 

Hope The story of the risen Jesus…hope for new life. (John 20)

Compassion The story of The Good Samaritan…caring for others. (Luke 10:30-37)

As a school community we have talked a lot about what we believe in for our children:

  • A safe, caring and stimulating environment.
  • A shared responsibility.
  • A creative, active and broad curriculum.
  • Our school Christian values (hope, friendship, trust, courage, love, forgiveness).
  • Respect for all individuals, valuing diversity.
  • Quality teaching and learning.
  • High expectations for achievement and behaviour.

Our aim is to:

  • Provide all children with an education that is creative, active and balanced in order to promote an understanding and responsibility for the world in which we live.
  • Create opportunities for all to flourish in a safe, caring and stimulating environment.
  • Promote a strong Christian ethos, where children show tolerance and respect for others.
  • Widen children's horizons and develop a thirst for learning in preparation for future life.
  • Our school motto is 'Active Children, Active Minds' as our children tell us that they learn best when they are up and active. They love being outside, exploring, being creative, working with their friends in other classes as well as going on trips and taking part in cookery lessons!

We really value parents' opinions so please let us know if you would like to make any comments or add any suggestions.

Mrs L Stevenson









