Personal, Social & Health Education
We are proud to use 'Jigsaw' to deliver the statutory PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum.
Children at St Mary's take part in one Jigsaw lesson each week. All lessons have a focus on mental health and wellbeing, through the use of reflection times and calming meditations.
You can read more about how we use the programme in our Jigsaw Policy below.
Please see the handy Jigsaw Parent Guide below for more information about what this brilliant scheme provides for your child.
What is Jigsaw? A Guide for Parents
Through our school Parent Group, we ran a consultation on our Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy. You can see the results in the summary below.
In our policy, you can find out more about how Jigsaw is used in school.
In the second part of the Summer Term each year, every class will cover the 'Changing Me' unit of Jigsaw. This is an important unit which progresses throughout children's time at school to teach them age appropriate content about their bodies and about relationships. The following leaflet provides further detail for parents about what to expect and about which of these lessons are compulsory. If you have any further questions, please get in touch and we will be happy to support.
Parents' Guide to Relationships Health and Sex Education
The Jigsaw programme comprehensively covers the statutory requirements set by government. You can see an overview of what is covered in each year group here:
Jigsaw- What Each Class Covers
PSHE and RSE- Subject specific strategies for supporting SEN pupils