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St Mary's C of E School

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School Council 

At St Mary's, we value the voice of the child.  Pupils are always listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully to others.  We respect the right of every individual to have their own opinion.  Democracy is central to how we operate and this is epitomised by our School Council.

The election of the School Council members reflects our British electoral system and demonstrates democracy in action.  From Year 2 to Year 6, candidates make speeches; nominations are made; pupils consider important characteristics for their elected representatives and then secret votes are cast using a ballot box.

Made up of two representatives from each class, the School Council meets regularly to discuss points raised by each of the classes.  

Our School Council is very active in the community.  In previous years we have grown tomato plants from seed in our greenhouse to sell, which raised money for Cornwall Air Ambulance; met with judges from the Royal Horticultural Society as part of South West in Bloom and visited Truro Mayoral Office where the children became Mayor for five minutes! More recently we have been supporting Truro Food Bank and Children in Need. 

Our children are fully involved in all aspects of school life and are expected to be good role models for each other.  Our School Council have held assemblies on recycling and keeping our school tidy and they have also been involved in recruitment and school improvements.  

Watch this space for more information about the School Council plans!