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St Mary's C of E School

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As a school we have this broad definition:

Spirituality is not something we can see, it is something we feel inside ourselves, it is about awe and wonder, asking questions, inspiration and being aware of something ‘bigger’ outside of ourselves.   

We use child-friendly, fun language to help us ground our understanding of spirituality. This also helps us condense the definition into easy to remember chunks.  

We use the phrase DONUT- PUZZLE – PICTURE



 Spirituality is a growing understanding of who we are.   

 The donut reminds us of ourselves- the sprinkles and the icing are what people see on the outside of us. But the hole in the middle that makes it a donut is like our inside selves, the space inside of us with all our thoughts, feelings, passions and personality. It’s that space that you can't see, the ‘me inside’ that makes us uniquely who we are. Spirituality is nurturing who we truly are and living fully as the best version of ourselves.   




Spirituality is also about connecting with others around us and/or God or another faith community.  

The puzzle piece reminds us that spirituality is about connection. We can impact the lives of others, and we can also learn and grown from involvement with others. Strong relationships help our spiritual sense of self, wellbeing and purpose.  



Spirituality is about the awareness that there is something ‘bigger’ outside of ourselves.  

 The picture frame reminds us to remember the Big Picture. There is a whole world of wonder beyond ourselves to discover, question and be inspired by. We ask Big Questions to help us think about the themes of life that can’t always be neatly answered, to help us keep looking beyond what’s immediately in front of us and engage with the bigger picture of life.