Sports Premium
Sport Funding
Our vision ‘Active Children, Active Minds’ is reflected in everything we do at St Mary’s Church of England School. We are committed to developing high quality curricular and extra-curricular physical education for all of our children through identified and targeted expenditure as well as providing greater opportunities for sporting competitions and experiences. An important aspect of this is to incorporate aspects of local culture such as raising awareness of water safety and linking with local clubs to provide sporting activities.
The Physical Education and Sport Grant was first introduced in September 2013 for all children in school who turned 5 at the census date each January. Every year we evaluate the sports premium expenditure to ensure we are able to support a broad and balanced curriculum and that there will be a sustainable impact beyond the funding years by investing in resources and training for staff.
Below are documents detailing recent Sport Premium spending and our Sport Premium Action Plan which highlight our dedication to making sport accessible to all.
T2M Sport Premium Spending 21/22